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Le Palais de Sakura
Le Palais de Sakura
Depuis la création 22 983
12 septembre 2013

Leçon de bento

Souvenez-vous....j'avais participé à la leçon de bento de Rie's sur le thème d'un bento qui lui était destiné. Voilà son appréciation sur mon bento que voici:


Hello Valerie,
Thank you for sending your bento to me. Your bento is very unique, I think I have never seen 2 red heart-shaped sandwich before. Very innovative! I realize you have presented 2 bentos here. You gave me the link to your blog and I understand you also sent me the whole article of your blog with explanations in french. I translated by Google translate and understood well how you made these 2 bentos. I appreciate you thought of making flowers for me as I really love flowers. Thank you. Everything is very pretty but I think it could have been better if I could see what was inside the heart shaped sandwiches. :-) And I understand the second bento is a rice bento. Under these pretty flowers you made you have put some rice, is it so? So the second box is like a rice salad that goes with the red heart-shaped sandwich? Your bento made me realize that rice is a vegetable in some countries. I, being a japanese, tend to think rice is the main staple food but it can be an ingredient in side dishes as a vegetable. So thank you for your idea, that was new to me. Your way of using colors, specially red and green together, is very excellent. I like the way you used ruccola leaves in so effective way. Very good!

Super joli !
Un excellent commentaire qui t'encourage à poursuivre !
Un très beau bento, moi aussi j'avais beaucoup aimé tes cœurs rouge !!! Dommage que tu n'ais pas pu participé au deuxième round parce que j'aime vraiment tes idées ! Reviens nous vite pour le 3ème !